This project is the new-build construction of 16, good quality, one bedroom flats at Palmerston Avenue in the centre of Fareham, Hampshire.
Having won the first stage of a two-stage tender, our team worked with Fareham Borough Council to create a detailed design which met the Council’s needs and discharges planning conditions for this town centre site.
This was an exciting opportunity for Brymor to work with Fareham Borough Council to directly deliver affordable housing to the area. We built a strong working relationship with the client.
Our Site Manager liaised closely with local residents issuing an introduction flyer, regular newsletters detailing build progress and considerate constructor’s leaflets.
The flats were designed using an attractive palette of brick, zinc and render and use of predominantly traditional methods of construction with timber frame elements to the upper levels.
The council required CFSH Level 4 for energy performance which was achieved through enhanced insulation and roofmounted
solar PV Panels.
Due to the town centre location, parking was limited. Therefore we offered local residents payment for the use of their driveways during working hours.
Working collaboratively with the Council, KPIs were agreed and included in the contract and in our Excellent Delivery Charter. As part of our Excellent Delivery Philosophy, the charter and ideas for achieving Fareham’s objectives were displayed on notice boards to ensure our client’s requirements were clearly understood and followed by all project staff.