The site is situated to the East of the existing Goldsworth Park Trading Estate on Kestrel Way, Woking, Surrey and has an approximate area of 0.52 hectares.
Part of the site was an old council recycling centre whilst the rest is woodland and scrub areas that have grown up over time. There is a base course for a proposed bypass running through the site, other obstacles on the site include a steep bank leading down to the adjacent allotments and a Thames Water rising sewer main that crosses the site which is 4m away from the closest building. Permanent access to the development will be achieved by adapting the existing access onto Kestrel Way.
The works consist of all necessary site clearance and preparation, including breaking out and disposal of hard standings followed by the erection of three industrial units (one Class B1c light industrial and two B2 general industrial buildings) and associated works. The units are single-storey propped portal frame structure with Building 3 incorporating a mezzanine floor, has been designed to accommodate a small brewery and create a shop and an office space.
The new buildings will have a buff brick-work plinth to a level of 2.4m with a horizontally laid silver composite Trimo cladding panel over and a darker composite Kingspan panel
roof panel. The edge gutter and fascia are highlighted in blue to reflect the design of the adjacent industrial units. The industrial door and window frames will also be picked out in the same colour.
Internally, there will be a power floated concrete floor slab with ancillary rooms for service cupboards and WC’s.
Associated access, car-parking, landscape works, external services and drainage finish the development.